structural insulated panels are
custom engineered and handle easily

Structural insulated Panels, ie, SIPs, are manufactured to fit on treated double sill plates, and are available in standard widths of 4 ft (122cms) and in lengths from 8 ft (244 cms) up to 24 ft (730 cms). Rigid foam panels are laminated between OSB (oriented strand board) 7/16 in (11 mm) thick with required posts to meet structural requirements. A 4' x 8' panel weight about 150 lbs. These are from Enercept, Inc.

SIPs manufacturers custom cut widths and lengths according to any project plan. Roof panels with integrated, engineered I-joists are at left. A wall panel with integrated 2xx posts is standing. All panels are tongue and groove and fit together using sealant and nails.