about us...

eco - techo

eco = ecological, economical
techo ('taycho') =
shelter, roof (Spanish)

ecotecho.com provides information about affordable smal, energy-efficient construction methods developed by ecologically-minded architectural designers, technicians, university researchers and builders.

Innovative architectural concepts are geared to protecting and improving living environments in rural Asturias, Spain, and lead to comfortable, economically feasible building solutions. New pages and links to interesting sites will be added periodically.

please note

Our domain name - www.ecotecho.com - is exclusively registered to this group.

A different web site having no relationship whatever with ours, but having a similar name, may show up in a Google search of our domain name. This can be due to several factors. Another site may simply have a different extension (eg, .co.uk, .info, etc.) That is ok. What isn't alright is for a site administrator to embed our registered name in his site's css/html code header or use our domain name as a keyword in his submission to Google. That kind of unethical, perhaps illegal, 'hijacking' misleads search engine users, manipulates Google and other search engine rankings and implies a non-existent relationship between our site and their's.

web administrator

Asturias, Spain
March 11, 2007